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Aluminium Metal Pigment Manufacturer in India

Aluminium Metal Pigment manufacturer in India over 26 years, supplying to paints, plastics, inks, cosmetics, textile and other applications. 

Aluminum metal pigments are fine particles of aluminum that are used as a metallic pigment in a variety of applications like Paint and Coating, Printing Inks, Plastics, Cosmetics, Textiles,  Automotive and Many more.

Characteristics of Aluminium Metal Pigment

  • Aluminium pigments impart a metallic shine, making them ideal for coatings, paints, and printing inks to metallic finish.

  • These pigments reflect light, provide brightness, which enhances the products.

  • It comes in various shapes (flakes, powders, Paste, Pallets) and sizes of metallic coverage.
  • They can effectively cover surfaces, reducing the amount of pigment needed.
  • Compatible with a wide range of solvents, resins, and additives, making them versatile for various formulations.
  • Used in automotive coatings, decorative paints, printing inks, plastics, textiles, and cosmetics, wide application range.
Aluminium Metal Pigment

Contact SP Colour & Chemicals today to explore how our Aluminium Metal Pigment are able to your products and applications into Masterpiece.